Pembelajaran Daring, Aktivitas Belajar Mengajar, Masa PandemiAbstract
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of online learning in supporting teaching and learning activities during the pandemic, especially at the tertiary level. The type of this research is program evaluation. This research study aims to determine the effectiveness of the activity program to make it more interactive and meaningful.Online learning has become an urgent need and must be used. Because through online learning, it is very possible for student centered learning to be carried out well. Therefore we need educators who are active, creative and innovative, so that learning objectives can still be achieved optimally.Based on the results of the study it is concluded that (1) online learning is distance learning carried out via the internet network (2) the role of online learning in this pandemic is very important, by reviewing 3 aspects : infrastructure, professionalism and learning outcomes, so that online learning can be interesting. and able to stimulate student enthusiasm in motivating learning and creativity.
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of online learning in supporting teaching and learning activities during the pandemic, especially at the tertiary level. The type of this research is program evaluation. This research study aims to determine the effectiveness of the activity program to make it more interactive and meaningful.
Online learning has become an urgent need and must be used. Because through online learning, it is very possible for student centered learning to be carried out well. Therefore we need educators who are active, creative and innovative, so that learning objectives can still be achieved optimally.
Based on the results of the study it is concluded that (1) online learning is distance learning carried out via the internet network (2) the role of online learning in this pandemic is very important, by reviewing 3 aspects : infrastructure, professionalism and learning outcomes, so that online learning can be interesting. and able to stimulate student enthusiasm in motivating learning and creativity.Downloads
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