demonstration method, interest in learning, learning fiqhAbstract
This research aimed to discover the effect of learning using the demonstration method on students' class X and XI learning interest in learning Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) at MA Nur As-Sholihat. This study used a descriptive quantitative correlational type and was conducted at MA Nur As-Sholihat, South Tangerang. The research subjects were students of class X and XI MA Nur As-Sholihat, totalling 100 students. The research applied a cluster sampling technique, and data collection techniques utilized questionnaires, interview and documentation. The validity result adopted the Pearson Product Moment correlation technique and the Cronbach Alpha Reliability Test with the help of SPSS 25. The data analysis used the Pearson Product Moment correlation and simple linear regression techniques. The results indicated a positive effect of the demonstration method on students' interest in learning Fiqh at MA Nur As-Sholihat. This can be seen from the acquisition of the t value is 7,985. In contrast, the t table  is 1,66, with a significance level is < 0,05. The criteria H0  is rejected if t value ˃ t table  at α = 5% with a value is 7,985 > 1,66. This means that the contribution of the variable X (Demonstration Method) with the variable Y (Students' Interest in Learning) is 39,4%, and the difference is 60,6% which was not examined in this research.
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