Peran Pendidikan Orang Tua Terhadap Perkembangan Religius Anak Di Desa Talagasari Rt 007/ Rw 003 Kecamatan Cikupa Kabupaten Tangrang
The role of parents, children's religious developmentAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of the role of parental education on the religious development of children in Talagasari Village 007/003 Cikupa Tangerang. This research is a qualitative research, qualitative research is a descriptive research method, in order to analyze the research subject. The research subjects were parents, children and Koran teachers. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data using the method triangulation technique. The results showed that the role of education is very important for the religious development of children. The role that parents do is to provide habits and examples in daily habits. With good habits of parental behavior, children will be easier to imitate, because parents are the closest people to children. Parents who carry out their role as educators can optimize children's religious development. Children who receive religious education from their parents have a better personality, children's attitudes and behavior become more controlled because of the advice their parents give. The conclusion of this study is the importance of the role of parents in the religious development of children in Talagasari Village Rt 007/ Rw 003 Cikupa Tangerang.
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