Pengaruh Perilaku Bullying Terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Kelas Viii Mts Esa Nusa Islamic School Binong - Tangerang
Bulying, Self Confidence.Abstract
The problem in this research is that there are cases of bullying behavior committed by students against their own friends. Like mocking friends, calling their parents, so that makes someone feel annoyed. This study was conducted to determine how much influence bullying behavior has on the confidence of grade VIII students of MTs Esa Islamic School Binong-Tangerang for the 2019-2020 academic year.
           This type of research is quantitative correlational research with a sample of 49 students. The sampling technique uses non-probability sampling (it does not provide the same opportunity to the population) to determine the number of samples taken, namely the census technique because the population is less than 100 so all populations can be used as samples.
The instrument used for the study has been tested for validity and the researcher uses 20 valid statements. Reliability test uses the Alpha Cronbach formula in the SPSS application so that the results of r count (0.622)> r table (0.281) for bullying instruments and r count (0.677)> r table (0.281) for self-confidence instruments, so the instrument is declared reliable.
           The results of this research hypothesis test are: (1) The level of bullying (bullying behavior) in class VIII students of MTs Esa Nusa Islamic School Binong- Tangerang for the 2019-2020 school year is in the strong category with a percentage of 47.6%. (2) obtained the results of r count (0.690)> r table (0.281) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that bullying behavior has an influence on student self-confidence, meaning that if the higher the intensity of bullying in students, the lower the self-confidence in students, and vice versa.
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