
  • Insan Ahmad Alhafizh Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia
  • Oki Darmawan Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia



Mantiq Science, Learning, Youtube


The development of digital technology today has influenced many changes in learning models, including the learning of mantiq science as an Islamic discipline. Among the existing developments related to learning is the use of the YouTube platform as a learning medium. This study aims to analyze the learning content of mantiq science available on the YouTube platform. The content analysis method is used to identify the main themes, clarity of presentation, depth of material, and overall quality of the available mantiq learning videos. Data was collected from a number of randomly selected videos of content creators from various YouTube channels offering mantiq learning. The analysis was conducted through observation of the content, structure and delivery style in each video. The results of the analysis will provide insights into the availability of online mantiq learning resources and help in evaluating the quality and adequacy of the material presented. The implications of the findings can contribute to improving the accessibility and effectiveness of mantiq learning through online platforms such as YouTube.


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How to Cite

Alhafizh, I. A., & Darmawan, O. (2024). ANALISIS KONTEN PEMBELAJARAN ILMU MANTIQ PADA MEDIA YOUTUBE. ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pemikiran Islam, 7(1), 75–83.