Pengaruh Apersepsi Guru PAI Terhadap Keaktifan Siswa Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Kelas VIII di SMPI Ash-Shibgoh Bitung Jaya – Tangerang
Apperception, Student Activity, Learning ProcessAbstract
One way to increase students motivation and interest in learning is by giving apperception before starting the core of the lesson. Apperception is the most important part in the learning process, in order to determine the readiness of students to accept the learning that will take place. If at this time some teachers ignore the provision of apperception, because it is difficult to get inspiration how to convey apperception according to the material to be delivered. In connection with this, the researcher wishes to explore more deeply by conducting further research on student learning activities at the Islamic Junior High School (SMPI) Ash-Shibgoh with the title The Effect of Apperception of PAI Teachers on Student Activity in the Class VIII Learning Process at SMPI Ash-Shibgoh Bitung Jaya Tangerang. The purpose of this research was to determine the influenced of apperception on student activity in the VIII grade learning process at SMPI Ash-Shibgoh Bitung Jaya Tangerang. This study used a quantitative research method as its primary research strategy. Techniques for collecting data comprised observation, surveys, interviews, and documentation with a study sample of 26 student. The results showed that apperception had an influence on the activity of class VIII students of SMPI Ash-Shibgoh by 55.5% and was in the strong category. This is based on the results of the product moment correlation test analysis of 26 samples which shows that rcount 0.745 > 0.388. Based on the results of tcount obtained 5.474 which is stated to be greater than ttable 1.711. This means that it shows a significant influence between apperception on student activity, so it can be stated that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.
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