Digital technology, such as gadgets (hardware) and their applications (software), has been able to change the world order in interacting and communicating. In the process of parenting early childhood, the use of gadgets is nothing unfamiliar. However, the use of gadgets, without control, in parenting, can make children experience a change in mental and attitude where gadgets begin to dwindle the attachment of children's relationships to parents and switches it into the attachment to gadgets. The use of digital technology for early childhood at home and school has increased in intensity, especially during the Covid-19 outbreak. The teaching and learning process in schools has changed from face-to-face meetings (offline) to long distance meetings (online). The purpose of this study is to anticipate early childhood from being addicted to gadgets, and parental control is needed then, mainly in controlling the duration of the use of the gadget devices and the selection of the content in the form of pictures/videos that the children watch. The task of parents is to be a controller in the transfer process of knowledge, values, and guidance. Thus the mental and psychological health and moral of children are well maintained. The results of this literature research show that "children with a high duration of smartphone use without parental supervision have lower pro-social behavior than other children who use devices under parental supervision". Also, “the higher the intensity of smartphone use, the lower the interaction of children with their parents. On the other hand, the lower the intensity of smartphone use, the higher the interaction between children and their parents.â€
Keywords: Parenting, early childhood, and the era of digital.
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