
  • Ibnu Kholdun Nawaji Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Universitas Cendekia Abditama



Spiritual education is an important aspect of a child's holistic development. Schools have a significant role in supporting this spiritual education. This study aims to analyze parents' perceptions regarding the role of schools in supporting children's spiritual education. This study uses a qualitative approach to gain an in-depth understanding of parents' perspectives. The method used is in-depth interviews with two parents who have school-age children. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis approach. The main findings in this study are grouped into relevant categories to obtain a comprehensive summary. The results of the analysis show that parents have a positive perception of the role of schools in supporting children's spiritual education. They see school as an environment that facilitates the development of moral and ethical values, teaches empathy, and promotes understanding of the diversity of religions and beliefs. In addition, schools are considered important in shaping children's positive attitudes towards themselves, others, and the environment. However, the findings of this study also reveal that there are variations in parents' perceptions regarding the depth and quality of the spiritual education provided by schools. Some parents feel that the school has met their expectations, while others feel that the role of schools in spiritual education needs to be increased. Some of the challenges identified include lack of time allocated for spiritual education, lack of adequate training of teachers, and lack of parental involvement in children's spiritual education. Based on the results of the analysis, the conclusion of this study is that schools play an important role in supporting children's spiritual education. In order to increase the effectiveness of the school's role, there needs to be a collaborative effort between the school and parents. More intensive teacher training and providing sufficient time for spiritual education should be considered. In addition, the active involvement of parents in supporting children's spiritual education must also be increased.


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How to Cite

Ibnu Kholdun Nawaji. (2024). ANALISIS PERSEPSI ORANG TUA TENTANG PERAN SEKOLAH DALAM MENDUKUNG PENDIDIKAN SPIRITUAL ANAK. JIEBAR: Journal of Islamic Education: Basic and Applied Research, 5(1), 18–34.



Original Research Article